Pricey & Garfy

Pricey & Garfy
That was the wind puffing my jacket out, by the way.

End to End

End to End

Thursday 3 June 2010

Massive thanks!

Our latest total is £1,026 of a hopeful £1,500. 68% raised in other words. The last two days in fundraising terms have been astonishing enough to enhance my faith in human nature. Good on you all! I'm sincerely very grateful and humble indeed.

This challenge is starting to feel very much more real than it did a few months ago. On Sunday we'll be on the ferry to Cork. The weather forecast isn't good, but then it wasn't as if we'd decided to cycle end to end of Majorca or Malta I suppose. The "Emerald Isle" is emerald for a reason, and we both have overshoes, jackets and a fairly robust sense of humour. Looks like all three will be called upon.

Any of you following this with a direct line to whichever deity you pray to may wish to suggest nice, mild cycling weather.

Some reflections on Pricey having a blog. By Garfy.

Doesn't he talk enough already?

Some reflections and advice on cycling training.

1. Dorset as a training ground, is very, very hilly. The man who plots the "Dorset Downs" route is quite simply a sadist. The man who thought up the "five hill bastard" (my description) is a sadist too. (It was Garfy). The person who plots the British Heart Foundation 66 mile event, however, just appreciates nice scenery, albeit with a few bastard hills.

2. Jelly babies and shortbread fingers are the snacks of champions. Powerade is amazing. As a friend recently said; "anything THAT BLUE has GOT to be good for you!" Fig Rolls are also rumoured to be worthwhile, although the laxative effects have yet to be fully documented.

3. Avoid groups of women in Burkas posing for photos on Bournemouth promenade. The headgear that their crazy belief system insists they adopt results in restricted vision and they are liable to walk straight in front of fat cyclists.

4. Don't get or wear a helmet mirror. It'll make you look like a tit.

5. Maintain a positive mental attitude for the last ten miles of a long ride by picturing that pint of Guinness that you're going to have at the end.

6. Try your hardest to maintain that same positive mental attitude when you get to that faraway pub only to discover that a disaffected teenager has to change the barrel.

61% of our target reached so far! Thanks all.

It's really started to sink in that we're actually going to do this! If anyone fancies joining me for a ride this evening let me know. I need all the last-minute training I can get...

Some close friends of Mum's are holding an event at their place this Saturday morning to raise money in her memory for for the MND association. They'll be selling plants, books, bric-a-brac, coffees, etc. Hopefully it'll raise a few quid and we can add that to our growing total.
Give me a call or message me on facebook for details.